Forum Discussion

Mcoyle43's avatar
Sep 08, 2020

Propane tank solenoid valve not working

I have a 2005 Holiday Rambler Neptune. It has an onboard propane tank. Immediately of the tank is a solenoid valve and a needle valve downstream. I have disconnected the regulator valve & used a separate tank to operate all of the appliances. Has anyone had this problem? I was considering energising the solenoid with a separate power source but wanted to see if there was anything else I should consider.
  • Doug that was it. It wasn't getting power. It had a broken connection. Thank all of you all so much. Mark
  • Doug thank you let me check this. I must not have power to the switch. I do not hear the activation click. Mark
  • Monaco Motorhomes have a electric ON/OFF solenoid due to the tank being in the center of the frame and not accessable. IT IS NOT connected to a LP detector. Usually there is a light and 12 volt switch in the Passenger side outside compartment behind the door in front of the RR tires. The needle valve is a redundant ON/OFF valve. When you turn the outside switch ON and OFF, you should hear a metallic clunk when the solenoid opens and closes. If not, check that solenoid for 12 volt power when the switch is ON. Also, the red indicator light is usually burnt out on older models, so don't rely on the light as an indication of 12 volt power from the switch. You are aware of this switch? Doug
  • Thank you for the reply I will check the leak detector. There is one in the kitchen & one in the bedroom. I noticed the one in the bedroom is not working. Really appreciate your comments & assistance. :)
  • Did you look in the kitchen
    Near the floor
    For the "Tell Tale"
    That's the propane leak detector that controls the LP valve, it must be turned on
    It will blink an led and chirp for a minute or so
    Once done chirping the propane will be on
    Mine will shut off the propane, if I have the entry door open while idling the engine,
    At that point it beeps really loud and annoying until I reset it by turning it off then back on
    It is there as a safety feature
    Losing 12v power, disconnecting battery cables etc..
    Will turn it off, and you have to switch Off then back On
  • Propane detector as stated in previous post, operates the gas solenoid.
    Yes, you could operate the valve with 12 volts DC as a test. Do not leave it that way as some of the valves are not rated for continuous 12+ volts (CCI solenoids)
  • Some propane detectors connect to a solenoid valve to shut off the gas if a leak is detected. If the valve functions when connected to 12 volts this would indicate a problem with the detector or the wiring to it.