Shower Drain Hepvo Valve
Well, I did it this time... I didn't realize my shower was protected by a Hepvo valve, and I used a wire to clear a hair clog. And, I tore the whole valve out of the pipe.
Problem is that there is no room to replace it under the shower. There's only 3/4 inch space between the floor and valve, and same between the shower floor and valve. Can't fit a strap wrench on it, there's no way to turn it even if I could. Had an RV repair guy look at it, and he confirmed that I'd have to remove the entire shower to replace this piece. With this valve missing, the smell is terrible while showering.
Question: Is there any other type of valve that I could install at the top of the shower drain? Maybe in the catch basket before the water goes down the pipe? Anyone have a suggestion?