pianotuna wrote:
Hi mena,
Power dissipation is not going to be a problem with 300 watts of panels.
Would I not see a difference if I put raised them up an inch or two? New info to me so any explanation helps. If it's not important then I won't worry about it.
smkettner wrote:
I use my circular saw on aluminum just fine. Very clean and straight cut.
Might go with the sawzall for larger items.
Finish with a hand file to give a pro look and smooth edges.
NinerBikes wrote:
Buy a hack saw, or find a local buddy in construction trades with a sawzall and a new 36 tooth/inch blade, and you can cut aluminum angle extrusions. File the burrs off after you cut to clean things up and to prevent from getting cut by sharp edges doing the install.
Thanks to the both of you. I do have a sawzall so I'll keep cutting my own angle "on the table".
NinerBikes wrote:
Sounds like Mena has a fun project on his hands, results, if he measures output from his two new panels and logs it, should be interesting.
Mena, when do you think you'll be ready for field testing? The days are getting longer fast now as month end of Feb gets here.
This should be fun. :) Not sure on when I can do field testing though. I'm basically going to have everything installed except for the panels which come later. I'm doing the hard part (wiring) first. My goal is basically this year. LOL!
westend wrote:
If you want custom mounts made, shoot me a PM. I cut aluminum occasionally and have some profiles in stock.
WOW! Thanks! I just might take you up that.