Digital Multimeter..
HERE for $7..
Set to 20V DC on the meter.
Plug red lead into meter socket marked "V" (the middle one)and the black lead into the bottom meter socket.
Turn meter on.
Place red lead on POSITIVE battery post and black lead on NEGATIVE battery post.
Battery resting voltage hen fully charged with no load and charger/converter is turned off should be 12.8V or a bit better..
With converter turned on you should have 13.4V-13.6V minimum voltage.
If converter is turned on and you have less than 13.4V-13.6V you have an issue with converter (blown fuse, dead converter, no power to converter).. Which will require additional troubleshooting..
Battery resting voltage below 12.8V-11V with converter turned off will mean partially or fully discharged battery or failed battery..
Battery resting voltage below 10V with converter turned off means deeply discharged battery or completely shot battery..