So your old 8a24 that you did the high amp discharges with also had the 30 percent recharge limit, so does that mean you can discharge faster than you can recharge and not wreck these things?
PT mentions gassing with too high a load as a problem with his AGMs (telecom) Does that apply to the Deka 8a too (and perhaps my Stark?
full_mosey wrote:
Here is the Deka info you need.
I urge you to read page 2 - Charging, and page 3 - Temperature Compensation.
Note that there are only two Volt ranges, Charge and Float. You don't need 8 stages, but no harm will come to your battery. Your 7A charger is less than the 30% rate limit and it will be fine.
If you don't have a temp-comp charger, you might want to get an IR Gun to read the battery post temperatures to watch for the 95F limit.