Beats me how much fussiness is worth it. The batts are going to take a beating in RV use. It is nice to have the specs for a "baseline", but the real thing we want to know is --what are the actual consequences of going off spec for how long?
IAW, what can I get away with that won't cost me very much? After your "learning set" of batteries, you kind of get an idea, but there isn't a lot of info out there. Some other guy's lessons learned may not apply to you close enough to be useful. Mostly it is hard to figure out what his situation really is.
Only hope is to stay on and maybe pick up a good idea or two. :)
Luckily the cost of batteries does not come near the cost of buying gas for the truck or beer for the fridge. So even if you do screw up with the batts somewhat, it is not a financial disaster.