adamis wrote:
Too bad about the Jetta. My 2001 TDI Diesel Jetta just clicked over 300k miles. Always been pretty reliable with fairly minimal maintenance for all that time. Though, I did just get a $500 repair bill because the glow plug wiring harness went bad (2nd time) and so it wouldn't pass smog because the dang Check Engine light was on. I'm all for a clean environment but sometimes these environmental regulations cost an awful lot of money to people who can't afford to upgrade cars every couple of years.
As far as uninsured motorist, yeah, quite the scam that these people get away with what they do and we get to pay extra on our premiums because of it. Why don't these auto insurance companies use that extra premium to start hiring some lawyers and going after these uninsured people instead of letting them just get away with it? Guess I'll answer my own question... what's the point in suing someone that doesn't have any money to begin with? The system is only setup to take from those that are trying to do the right thing.
I have a simple solution,,
Toss the uninsured accident causing schmuck into prison and make them work hard labour until they earn enough to pay for all the damages..