jmtandem wrote:
What are folks take on this subject of high GVW's, size, weight, CDL's and such?
You have a bag of solutions for problems that don't exist. It is a non issue. If it ever becomes an issue then I am sure somebody will address it.
Not necessarily, imo.
Driving, in general, should be a priveledge, not a right. Maybe I'd feel different if I didn't feel I had the skill or confidence to make the cut for the privlege of driving a car, truck, boat, MH, big trailer, etc.
But, there are many industries that generate billions in revenue due to people who don't have the skill to drive whatever size bullet they are piloting down the road. If they didn't, mfgs wouldn't be able to sell gimmicks like cars with park assist! And business/cost would be down for body shops, ambulance chasers, ambulance drivers, cops, traffic safety workers, tow truck companies, insurance companies, etc.
While I'm far from one who wants more regulation and personal invasion by the govt, I think there should be more comprehensive driving test requirements for everyone and good penalilties that go along w not complying. Anyone here ever had to prove they knew how to drive since they turned 16? Go give me a free track day in my SRT to show I can rail a car sideways thru a turn, and kick the ________ (insert your favorite bad driver stereotype here) off the road so they don't spin out in front of me on the first snowflake that hits the ground or hold me up driving 15mph because they're afraid to spin out on the third snowflake to hit the ground a mile up the road!
And while you're at it, put in place an optional vehicle inspection/advanced driving skill test that affords the opportunity for another class of license for skilled drivers with capable vehicles to run at increased speeds from the normal limits. Like the autobahn.
An optional, "enhanced" license. Get your govt money that way rather than writing speeding tickets for going 80 in a 65 on a 4 lane in the middle of nowhere. Put a big orange license plate on the vehicle so the cop knows that guy is legit to be doing 90 on I 90 in eastern WA when the next exit ain't for 50miles!
I'd pay up. Make it cost the same as 1 speeding ticket a year and I'm in. Heck I'm prolly still in if it costs the same as 2 tickets a year, for the freedom to open up the secondaries and burn some dinosaurs through the desert!
I'm obviously being cynical a bit about the normal driving stuff, but I'm dead serious about the "enhanced" license.