Forum Discussion

ACZL's avatar
Jun 03, 2016

35,000 lb +, GVW for pick ups

I posted a reply on another thread about this and afterwards thought that it wasn't fitting to take away from OP's thread about his truck which he is fondly proud of and rightfully so. So to that, I'm manning up to state a bit better what I was referring to and not in any way want to detract from OP's post.

What was mentioned was the ability of today's picks being capable of having a combo weight of 35,000- 40,000 if set up properly. My reply was that it's a scary thought that one could tow that much w/ a pick up and not have a CDL. I went onto say too about folks buying 45' diesel MH weighing about the same and have air brakes and not have a CDL or air brake endorsement like CDL holders need.

Folks that drive for commerce need a CDL- true. They are use to that kind of weight and know what to expect and handle the weight, size and then some. And yes, some CDL driver's should not have a CDL or be driving commercially. My point is that people who don't tow real heavy loads that the truck is capable of often can be of a great hazard just due to the inherit size and weight. Same w/ the MH driver's. Now that's not saying all are not able to do so safely. As a whole though, this is a scary thought.

Does not have to just RV's. Plenty of people just driving cars that shouldn't be.

My point overall is that if MFR's are going higher and higher w/ their GVW's, folks wanting to buy the big MH's, they too should possess a CDL just based on size and weight despite being a private/non commerce vehicle. We all know enough to keep alert w/ others around us, but we RV'ers are held to a bit higher standard (but below semis) than the ave Joe. It's just plain nuts that someone can buy "X" vehicle and "have at it" w/o any kind of further requirements needed. I cannot ride a motorcycle till I get/pass the needed credentials, so what makes buying a pick up w/ 35K+ GVW or a 45' MH any different?

In closing, I want to apologize to the OP for going sideways on his post. Uncalled for. What are folks take on this subject of high GVW's, size, weight, CDL's and such?
  • First a CDL is a commercial license, not a RV license, the additional restrictions such as drug testing, health checks, etc, that would not be welcome (or needed) in RVs

    Now a number of states, and my perception is the number is slowly growing, do have a non-commercial license that is required for RVs over 26,000 lbs. The testing for this license is more intense then for a "car", but doesn't carry call the restrictions a CDL does.

    My belief is that this "large RV" license, with required testing (and training?) could be a good thing.