GeoBoy wrote:
I have an AF 990 and it weighs with gear and water 4,600+ lbs. Arctic Fox literature use to state that their campers were designed to be mounted on dual rear wheel trucks. We did an 8,600+ mile trip out west to visit 10 NP’s. We encountered dust devils in Nevada that would move our well equipped dually into the other lane, we spent a lot of time in the mountains on twisty roads and I wouldn’t advise an AF 990 on any SRW truck. Can it be done, anything is possible, but I RV because I want to enjoy the journey. Placing that camper on a SRW truck isn’t my idea of enjoyment.
I agree with that much weight it will have control over you and your truck.
Better to go lighter for single rear wheel.
If you can get a little under 3000 lbs dry weight you will be much happier on hauling a truck camper. Just my 2 cents.