OK the jury is in. I hit the cat scales today with FULL diesel tank on the truck, FULL water, FULL propane and two batteries plus food, pots and pans etc etc and basically ready to hit the road for a camping trip.
Normally, I would not fill the water all the way since I see no need for 59 gallons of fresh water (most I ever used camping was a 4 day trip in our tent trailer and we used about 30 gallons (25 in the tank and two 6 gallon jugs that we used one of), I've also gone all spring and summer on one 5 gallon LP tank in the old camper so I'm guessing I wouldn't really need all 14 gallons I have now. Chances are I'll let one of those tanks drain out and only fill it again if I need to (when the other is getting low). I fill before heading out so it isn't an issue to check and top up as needed.
The point? I'm HEAVY! we all knew that.
The verdict? Again, all tanks full and....drum roll....
Front Axle weight 5200lbs
Rear Axle weight 7680lbs
Total weight 12880