Forum Discussion

brholt's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 09, 2014

Backup Light Addition

Now that winter is starting to set in I was interested in improving the lighting when backing up. Since my camper plugs into a seven pin jack mid truck my rear seven pin connector is free

I found this:

Backup light

And for the price I thought what could I lose. It works pretty well and seems to be a nice addition. You can see it there shinning underneath the camper.

  • I don't personally need that much light to backup, but while we are talking about backing up, my biggest improvement was painting the underside of the wings black. That stopped the reflection from the truck tail lights.
  • It's not that there's glare, its the fact that the camera was pointed directly towards the light, which gives the "flare" effect.
    Glare is when the light reflects off a surface, like a wet road, or the hood of a vehicle (for overhead mounted lights)

    I ordered a pair of these this morning for the back of my trailer.
  • I added two 45w halogen "tractor" lights to the rear mounted on the jacks. Really makes a difference when backing into a dark campsite.
  • The picture makes it look like it throws a lot of glare. But seeing the 7 pin hook up gave me a slough of ideas of other things I could power up that way.