Forum Discussion

Yardvarkers's avatar
Mar 11, 2018

Bar for snap up brackets

I lost the bar I use to pull up the chains to hook on the snap up brackets. Does anyone know where I can find a good bar/metal tube that has a curved end?
Thanks for any and all replies.
  • Hook up the WDH before lowering the trailer onto the bar .Once ya do it a few times it is easy . As for pipe , a one inch EMT conduit works fine , buy a ten foot piece at lowes for a couple bucks and make five of them .
  • Ron3rd's avatar
    Explorer III
    guidry wrote:
    Once the trailer is connected just use your trailer jack to lift the rear of truck enough to easily attach the chains. Then lower it all the way. No need for that bar. I had one but never needed it.

  • Go to your local big box hardware store and pick up an 18" or 24" piece of black iron pipe. Only costs a few $$,

    Something like this:
  • guidry wrote:
    Once the trailer is connected just use your trailer jack to lift the rear of truck enough to easily attach the chains. Then lower it all the way. No need for that bar. I had one but never needed it.
    This works great. IF...... You have a power jack
  • Once the trailer is connected just use your trailer jack to lift the rear of truck enough to easily attach the chains. Then lower it all the way. No need for that bar. I had one but never needed it.
  • Just a 1' iron water pipe would work fine. Pick the length of your choice.
    I carry an extra pipe that's about 4" longer than the supplied handle. Works great when I need extra leverage.