Cummins12V98 wrote:
Guess I am a “FOOL” to haul a nice large RV. Must be extra foolish as I also own a 2,500’ rambler in NW WA on property with a 30x40 shop.
Curious why you don’t sell that RAM as it seems you are not happy with it.
On flT ground towing at 60 I will bet you get 9-10 with the RAM and no way more than 7.5 with the gasser same conditions.
People are different. We're not interested in towing a huge RV just to park it some other place. We're typically out hiking and climbing. So, ours is fine for our use.
At least you have a nice cottage.
I've kept receipts on my vehicles since 2005 and hand calculate the fuel mileage. The sad reality is that the Ram's fuel mileage when towing isn't good enough to justify recommending it. I am considering selling it but for other reasons. It's still at the Ram dealership and they're struggling with getting the 2nd recall done (bed step), fixing the radio which was a dealership documented problem from the 3rd month of ownership 1 1/2 years ago, the heater, the AC, suspension clunks, etc. Even FCA is puzzled why after three appointments, made weeks in advance, they can't get it fixed over a three month period. LOL. Can't get a safety recall done within 3 months? Hahaha. What a joke.
Why don't I sell? I've been looking for a replacement. The reality is that I can't find a Ford that I want nationwide. And, Ford halted production due to shortages. I'm definitely not replacing it with a Ram. If the problem was just the truck, it would be different situation. But, the biggest problem has been the idiocy with multiple dealerships backed by the idiocy of the manufacture. You can't fix stupid. Longtime ram fanboys don't get it because they're accepting of anything, just like any cult member would. They buy over and over and over, even if the factory fix is a spot weld. LOL.
In the meantime, I still have my F350 while the Ram is parked at the FCA dealership. And yes, I'm going thru the legal process of requesting a buy-back at the same time.
In summary, the benefit of an extra fuel tank, or a larger fuel tank is great. And that's why Ram owners make modifications.