With my car, it was virtually the same price buying new rotors as it was getting the old ones turned and I didn't have to take them off and take them to be turned. Just pull the new ones out of the box. I would at least compare the cost of replacing to turning.
I would be very surprised if the rears are worn out at 60K miles. I've never put rear brakes on any vehicle I've owned at less than 120K miles with the exception of one truck on which one of the shoes fractured at about 80K. Still had about half of it's pad material remaining. The only time a store (tire store) tried to sell us (my wife) on replacing the rears, they were trying to rip her off. The pads were in excellent shape with more than 1/2 their material remaining. Fortunately, I told her to have them put it back together and we took it to our regular mechanic who confirmed there was no problem with the rears.
I agree that replacing the fluid is probably due. I usually do the replacement when I replace pads as well. I usually put the vehicle on jack stands to rotate the tires at the same time and replacing the fluid only takes a few minutes. I have a dedicated turkey baster I use to suck most of the fluid out of the reservoir before adding new and then bleeding the lines to get new fluid.