f4mdtwr wrote:
Battery is connected to the system for sure. At least the cable are connected, whether it's sending current into the camper is a different story. Obviously some is wrong between the battery and the camper that's what I am asking assistance for. I know all my cables are installed tightly onto the battery post. How can I test if I am getting power into the camper?
Based upon your different voltage measurements between the battery and converter, your battery is not "connected" to the system. It may well have its cables connected but there is an open switch, fuse or connection between the battery and the converter & lights, etc.
The simplest test is one you have done: There is no 12V power when disconnected from the shore power. This means your converter and only your converter is powering all things 12V in the camper. The battery is just sitting there connected to some wires which aren't connected to the 12V system.
To figure out where, start at the battery box and follow the + lead all the way to the converter. Assuming the ground is good, somewhere along the way you should find some kind of device with 12.8V on one side and 13.8V on the other (with the shore power connected). This could be a switch, blown fuse, circuit breaker or poor terminal connection.
To be sure the - cable is connected to ground, measure the converter 13.8V while connecting the negative lead of your volt meter to the battery - post. If you get 13.8V, your ground is good all the way to the converter.
If needed, get a long scrap of wire to extend one volt meter lead out the door and around to the battery compartment. There's little to no current when taking a voltage reading so wire length & size doesn't matter.
You can also do the same kind of tracing by removing the battery and following wires from the converter out. Eventually you'll stop finding 13.8V as you get closer to the battery.