Dec 31, 2014Explorer
can the city water run into the trailer at all times?
I am about to move into an aljo trailer. the other day we thought we would hook it up to the city water. it was on all night. i now have learned i need a psi of 40 and also a white hose. any way the next day the carpet in the middle of my trailer was soaked. i vacuumed it up and the next day (shut off city water) it was soaked again. some how the grey tank was over filling. i barely used any water. it is supose to come out through the shower or sink but last owner had plugs in them so for some reason have no idea how it went upwards through the floor. pls help me understand how this happened. and yes i have read my manual. More info when we thought we overfilled the fresh water tank I ran water to release pressure for like 2 minutes then from under the trailer where the grey tank is located started spilling on the ground. the manual said if u r not level which we were not the drainage won't drain right and could back up. usualy the over flow would release back into the shower but it had a cap in it also the sink so no water could b released back into it. the next lowest point is the middle of the floor. been reading about some kind of roof vent to release the over flow don't know anything about that but it obviously didn't release there. hope this explains a little better. thankyou