I was on my cell and don't like to type much on it so my posts were short. We arrived on the 25th, the official spoke to me on the 26th and gave me a warning. I emailed (wrote) the paper less than an hour later. I was upset and couldn't believe we were doing anything wrong or against the law.
The paper emailed me back almost right away and asked me to call them. I did, spoke with them for a few minutes and 30 minutes later the reporter showed up. The paper had the story on the front page 2 days later.
I realize it might be hard to believe but apparently it's a hot topic and they wanted to cover it. And yes, it was a front page story. Perhaps because I was born in GP and am a veteran and they felt I had a good story, or not. Who knows? Either way, they did the research and the result was that we were legally using our camper and did not have to sleep on the couch or go somewhere else.