Bill001 wrote:
MN Ben wrote:
You may neet to broaden your search beyond the TC section. Some you tube vids....
The Wynns. My question is Who had experienceexperience with these toilets at "this forum"
Hi Bill... I like your style.
Stick around, as you will see... you are going to take a lot of pressure off of me...
When I said "I am under the impression that quite a bit of energy might be required" I was refering to the haul bill in fuel dollars. A good rule of thumb is "For each extra 100 pounds added to the truck their will be a 1% loss of fuel economy.
It doesn't take long to add a 1000 pounds... extra fuel, hobbys, two chain saws for just in case , etc... and in your case long term digesting poop could add a couple of gallons a day if you get lucky and have a partner.... just guessing, wet poop solids saved might add up to lets say 3 pounds per day... and we still haven't got rid of the yourin... opps... urine. What will you do with it?
I know... you might get a late model diesel truck... It turns out that urine has urea in it... if we run the urea through a calciner we would get cyanuric acid.... which is a main componet of one of the diesel additives... (I worked on that project)
I hope that I have been helpful...
When you install your composter please post it in the modification area... I have published a bunch of zany stuff over there... a lot of TC'ers have.... theirs are very good.
You can call me Chet if you like now that we are friends.