I don't own a 6.2 I own a 2012 6.0 gm 2500hd.
I didn't say anything about comfort level at any rpm.
I promise you that if you take a ford 6.2 gas truck and a ford 7.3 powerstroke truck side by side with identical trailers stock for stock and hold both pedals to the floor the 6.2 will be faster. The 6.2 will no doubt run much higher rpm.
I can say this, I just went atv riding in WV and a guy from my atv club has a 7.3 powerstroke. He was towing an enclosed hauler with 4 atvs in the back. Probably around 6000 lbs and he said it felt heavy in the hills. To me my trailer doesn't feel heavy.
I was towing 8000 lbs with my truck. I passed him on a hill on the way home not trying to race I just wanted to get home and see my wife and baby. Neither of us were probably full throttle I know I wasn't. I was going about 70 on a 4% typical interstate grade of maybe 2 miles long.
I can't find one where they had a 7.3 but here is from the ford trucks enthusiasts meet at a hill somewhere in wv.
Ford 6.2 gas 48 mphFord 6.7 diesel 50 mphSame hill, same day, same trailer. Fords new powerstroke is only 2 mph faster than the 6.2 gas Keep in mind the new powerstroke puts over 100 more horsepower to the wheels than the 7.3 on a dyno. YOu still think the 6.2 will have the slightest bit of trouble dusting a 7.3?