Your rational is flawed to say the least. Cummins makes a good engine and they are highly respected, the Duramax and 6.7 Powerstroke are also highly respected. They don't build their motors to be put in non GM or Ford vehicles. You don't know the motivation for that and I don't either, although I can make a few guesses. Maybe they don't want to compete against themselves in selling vehicles. Maybe neither GM or Ford want to be in the business of selling their engines on the open market. Perhaps engine buyers in the market for a medium duty powerplant don't want to help out a competitor by buying their engines? There are a lot of potential reasons, but Ford still controls the MD market in sales (450 and 550), and does it with their own engines. If I were buying a 650 or 750 I would probably pick a Cummins if for no other reason that there are a lot more places to get a Cummins worked on then there Ford dealerships who work on a 650 or 750. You say not "MD enough"? By what standard is that measured? Is there an SAE rating out there somewhere on MD engines showing Cummins makes the cut and the other two don't? Do tell. Cummins is a fine company. I wish them well but I don't want one in a pickup, that is my choice. Your continued self-justification of your purchase goes way overboard, you take fanboy to the next level.