agesilaus wrote:
Ditto on that around 2011-2 diesels got quieter, tho the Dodge we test drove still had that diesel rumble. The Ford and Chevy we quieter.
actually it started around 2001. the GM duramax was much quieter than many older diesels with the introduction of high pressure fuel systems and multiple small injections (aka pilot injection) of fuel during the combustion stroke.
And each generation from all three mfg continued to get quieter. Our 2015 Duramax is about as quiet as a gas engine, even under load, and doesn't have any diesel exhaust smell even when cold.
Ford and Dodge current generations are very similar.
when we got our first duramax, one neighbor had a ford 7.3 another a late 90's dodge 5.9.
At that time IMHO the dodge had the loudest diesel "clatter", followed reasonably close by the Ford 7.3, and the duramax much quieter. But neither the dodge or ford had the high pressure fuel system with pilot injection either.
And to the OP I suspect that you don't/wouldn't even recognize any of the 2012 ish or up diesel trucks going by as diesels. Or cars for that matter. they are virtually as quiet as a gas engine, even under heavy throttle.