Thanks for your concern. When I initially posted I didn't realize that the diagnosis was just a guess. I had another diesel mechanic make the same guess about the flywheel....about 5 years ago. Beyond that, I feel no need to explain my reasons for waiting.
Grit dog wrote:
To the OP, your being blissfully ignorant about replacing your clutch. It is, was and should be on borrowed time.
Why the procrastination?
Get a new clutch in it. It’s a 1 day job for any shop and the options are so numerous for the type of clutch you want, you can have your choice of clutch delivered in a few days maybe less depending on your location.
Replace everything, clutch, flywheel, pilot bearing, throwout bearing, pivot ball on the fork, hydraulics and possibly the whole fork arm if it shows ANY wear.
It’s plug n play for everything. Should be 6-8 hrs labor charge certainly no more than 8.
If you’re fickle about this, you have a high likelihood of having it done NOT on your terms when you get towed in.
Remember my first post. You may literally have the highest mile OE clutch out there. How far do you want to push your luck?