Grit dog wrote:
HappyKayakers wrote:
Thanks for your concern. When I initially posted I didn't realize that the diagnosis was just a guess. I had another diesel mechanic make the same guess about the flywheel....about 5 years ago. Beyond that, I feel no need to explain my reasons for waiting.
Well, gotta love folks who ask for advice while clearly admitting they don’t know much about what they’re asking about (not a bad thing, that’s why one typically asks for advice) AND then actually gets snarky while refuting sound advice.
Best of luck, hope it lasts another 50,000miles, but I’d travel near rivers if I were you, so you can use the kayaks and not be stranded!
Better yet are the ones that buy let's say a 2500 and a BIG 5er and then ask if the combo is OK. Then they start arguing when you tell them it's not a safe combo!