'm not sure if it is you that keeps posting this over and over or not, so I apologize if its not you.
That being said, your post seems to suggest that a warranty was denied because of use of Eternabond tape, however the response from the dealer clearly states that a claim MAY get kicked...
There is ZERO proof that any warranty claim was ever denied by a dealer because of Eternabond tape.
The arguments that your post provides against Eternabond tape are absurd at best. Whether you tape or caulk it, if there is already water in the wall then the caulk or tape will trap that moisture inside. The objective of the tape is to PREVENT water from getting in the walls in the first place.
If you don't like my posting this then simply don't read it.
I post this every time a newby wants to use Eternabond on his brand new trailer as a warning and I will continue to re post it. This isn't the only website I've seen such a warning from the dealer/mfg on the subject.
Your free to make claims to the contrary however I nor trailernovice said a warranty was kicked as you call it in his case.
The moisture the dealer was referring to had nothing to do with moisture in a wall but rather moisture under the tape which is a known issue especially when the tape wasn't applied correctly.