JIMNLIN wrote:
it can void the roof warranty as one RV.net member found out.
No reading disabilities here fella... You have stated this time and time again. You imply that the use of Eternabond voided a warranty "as one rv.net member found out", but the reality is that the warranty was NOT voided and you have ZERO factual basis to support your claim.
You are posting FALSE INFORMATION and I am trying to set the record straight. You either have proof that a warranty was voided or you don't. Time and time again I have pointed out that YOU DON'T have proof. Even in the posts that you provide to prove your point they specifically state that they DO NOT void the warranty. The other post discusses problems with improperly installed Eternabond. I don't think any advocating installing it incorrectly, otherwise I would agree with you...
Typical internet bully, you cannot justify your position so you resort to name calling. That's just sad...