We have been doing this for a few years since FCC went to the Digital National Broadcast System. This is transmitted in full high def mode from our local town which is 50-miles to the North for Washington DC or 50 miles to the South for Richmond VA stations.
I have been using the BATWING UHF antenna on an easy-up pole attached to the north end of my house. It picks up a good 36 or so stations being the NBC-CBS-ABC-FOX-PBS. All of this is FREE to use.
I do have to use an in-line DC POWER SOURCE to power up the PREAMPLIFIER in the BATWING antenna.
Just recently I have purchased a Solid Signal Xtreme Signal HDB8X 8 Bay VHF/UHF HDTV Antenna (HDB8X) which is suppose to enhance this even better. This antenna will also help out in pointing to the two locations in Washington DC where the Broadcast stations are on both sides of town. This arrangement has pointing capabilities of each of its two 4-bay panels. These are currently on sale for around $60.
Looks like this...
The OTA BATWING UHF Antenna however worked great but to get the best results I always had to slightly move the BATWING to point better for some of the network station.
Looks like this except it is mounted on the top of 15-foot pole instead of the crank-up arms you see in this google image.

This is photo of me using the OTA BATWING on my OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer mounted on pole. I just reach out the window flap to rotate it if needed.

This didn't replace my cable TV at the house but sure adds a great low cost back-up when the cable goes off the air. Always something about the FREE part of the deal too hehe...
Roy Ken