Forum Discussion

Bonefisher's avatar
Jul 04, 2020

Help - TV - Lance 2445 & Escalade

Hello all and my SINCERE thanks in advance for possible help...

Summary as follows:

We live in Park City Utah and currently own a Winnebago 2100BH. We have loved going to Yellowstone / Tetons / Rushmore / etc...

We have decided to sell our Micro Minnie and move up in size... we identified a TT that we love... the Lance 2445... Dry weight 5525 lbs...

We were pretty far down the road on ordering and hit a snag... One dealer said our TV was "absolutely fine" and and another said "well not sure"...

We have a 2019 Cadillac Escalade... 6.2 V8 (420hp and 460 pound foot torque) with the towing package / air suspension and a rated tow capacity of 8200 lbs... the Lance exactly as we have it specd is 6225 lbs with propane and batteries.. GVWR of 7600 lbs... tongue weight of 620... guessing loaded weight around 7000 lbs and tongue weight of 800...

The Micro Minnie had weighed in at 4300 before gear (just propane and battery) and a tongue weight 550 - and the Escalade did great with it..

Guess the concern was the "Cargo Capacity" of the Escalade - which is 1400 lbs... but felt like I was still acceptable?

Again... I would love some opinions on this... feel lost and really dont want to buy a special truck just to tow a 6000lb TT?

  • I think you'll be borderline maxed out. I'm guessing that the TW is heavier than you think. If you go to Lances site you can build your own 2445 and it will tell you what the UVW will be. I loaded one up with most nice stuff and it added 551 lbs.
    Batteries, propane, stuff in the bedroom and front cargo area will push it towards 900 lbs. That leaves 500 lbs. I see it's a bunk so guessing you have kids? Whats the weight of everyone and the gear going in the Caddy?
    If you're comfortable being at max payload then it looks doable.
    You certainly have the power.
  • Like stated already, you will probably be right at, or over your payload. I’m not sure how that air ride system will handle all the weight. You do have a lot of things in your favor, that Escalade is going to be long (I assume it is the suburban length and not Tahoe length), it’s heavy and you have a lot of power. Even with a transmission cooler, you will want to keep an eye on your temperature while towing, although it may never be a problem. If you upgrade something, you may want to consider LT rated tires since the Escalade probably came with P rated tires.
  • I wouldn’t expect a new Escalade to have a lick of issues in any department with a 7klb or so trailer.
    Proceed with confidence.
    And be warned you’ll get more than one reply that says you should have a 3/4 ton but then you’ll still be “close” on payload so you need a 1 ton. Stay your course unless you’re looking for an excuse to upgrade vehicles, but anything short of a new HD diesel will not really be an upgrade from what you have now.
    Nice rig btw!
  • First off... Many thanks for the reply on this thread...

    One of the interesting things is the Lance tongue weight dry is only 550lbs... much less than others... so the 800lb estimate I used was with hitch... which would leave me 600 lbs of payload... which is enough... or right at it...

    I realized from looking at my old tow vehicles and what many people tow I was likely always over the "cargo capacity" (not that it makes it right in any way)...

    I do own a tongue scale so idea was to MAKE SURE my numbers were right as well... and put a 10,000 lb equalizer hitch (guessing that is assumed)

    CarnationSailor - thanks for the note... the 2019 has "external heavy duty oil and transmission cooler" so hopefully that covers that concern...

    Again appreciate all the feedback...
  • I towed, with a 2007 Escalade, a similar size and weight trailer to the Lance you are considering. The only difference is I think my tongue weight was around 500 pounds. It towed great with only one issue. The transmission would heat up on long mountain climbs - sometimes exceeding 200 degrees. The Cadillac mechanic said it was normal and nothing to worry about until the temp reached 250 where a warning was supposed to be displayed. I think the highest was 230 at which time I would pull over and let it cool down. Had to do this maybe 3 or 4 times in the 3 years we owned it. I would hope that the 2019 Escalades don't have that behavior.
  • That TT will be 7000 pounds wet/loaded. At 13% tongue weight plus 100 pounds of hitch...1000 pounds. You and your family plus stuff in the Escalade will be more than 400. Nope, won’t work...safely. Not enough payload.