rbpru wrote:
DutchmenSport hit the nail on the head.
Every brand out there will tell you how well they are built and each brand has their fans and nay sayers.
The majority are standard construction boxes either laminated fiberglass or aluminum sided.
A few like Scamp and Casita are molded half shells joined in the middle and of course Air Streams.
Once you decide what type you prefer there are plenty of folks to help you.
Still all require a level of maintenance usually not anticipated by the new buyer.
Have to agree with both of you and your last sentence says it all.
Still all require a level of maintenance not anticipated by a new buyer. I would like to know if you were a new buyer did the dealer go over maintaining the new rig? Not just winterizing or the tanks but what is required for upkeep of the new rig.
I think a lot of new owners expect a new RV to be like a new car and be trouble free, and as experienced owners know that is just not the case.