Mar 03, 2016Explorer
Help: sealing front leaks, not roof on 1978 NuWa
New rubber roof with butyl 2008 and caulk all around, but the front corners have been leaking. Removed inside corners paneling to reveal rotted & wet 2x2 framing and injected Git Rot to strengthen those areas. Also removed the plywood mattress decking, styro foamboard used to replace old fg insulation, and this revealed water puddled inside on the exposed aluminum skin. I removed my recent caulks, sealed running lights and put in new screws, but leak continues. The TC is outside, covered with a tarp and slowly drying out. The exterior skin is Pittsburgh Lap alum., and what do I use now? Wife wants some kind of exterior TAPE all over! The front jalousy window frame looks clean upon removal to inspect, as well as 2 small side windoz.