RvNewbieFl wrote:
Today's update: Apparently I'm feeling braver today. Mid-morning I hooked up the water regulator and the water connection. No leaks inside could see inside. However i did notice the low point drain value for the cold water leaking. Tech told me he would fix that at walk through but of course it's still leaking. Otherwise I wouldn't even know what it was. I started the hot water tank on propane mode. Skipped the electric mode for now because im still on house power. I soon learned the factory shower head is just to small and not enough water. I left for alittle while bought a new one and still no problem with #9 fuse. Then I decided to turn on the radio.. retract and untracked the awning. And decided I don't have Neighbors. I'm going driveway camping. I grabbed a beach chair from the garage and I've been using it just like I was camping all day. Minus the heat and air or microwave. The boys are having a blast in it. (My fur-babies) realized two dog grates take up way more room then I thought. I'm going to sleep in here tonight, and treat it as if I'm camping. Call this a dry run. I will keep checking the fuse until bedtime and again in the morning. Netflix on tablet and getting ready to cook some dinner. I really should have picked one with a bigger kitchen. Wish me luck. If you hear of a woman in her early 40s.. blowing herself up near Crystal River Florida with her 2 dogs. That's me and I can't update tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Yup, driveway camping, a relaxing way to spend a day and there's no better way to try all the gizmos to see if they work. Better to find a problem, now, than when enroute to a destination.
If you have a hand-held meter, you'll find it invaluable, helps to diagnose problems as they arise.