CaLBaR wrote:
Are you trying to tell me that I have a worse combination than a 1 ton that weighs about 8000lbs or so with a 14000 lb 5th wheel? I think not.
You guys that think you can only tow safely with a 3/4 ton or bigger make me laugh. Do I think a 3/4 ton would drive different than my 1/2 ton, sure, but am I unsafe with my combo, not a chance.
I always bring up this point and the thread seems to just stop... or turn away from that argument into something else...
There is a certain group of people who think that 1/2 ton trucks can't pull anything. They remark about the lack of brakes and non floating rear axle. The idea that a 6000 lbs truck can pull an 8000 lbs trailer is laughable and only acceptable if you are mentally ill. "Pulling a trailer that is heavier than the truck??? That's the tail wagging the dog!" "Those little puny brakes won't be able to stop you if the trailer brakes go out."
The same people have no problem with an 8000 lbs truck pulling a 16,000 lbs trailer. I don't know how a trailer that is 2000 lbs heavier than the truck is insane... but a trailer that weighs TWICE AS MUCH is inherently safer. An emergency stop with 24,000 lbs and no trailer brakes... perfectly safe in the mountains... right?
Look, some of us are intelligent here and know that a 3/4 ton truck is better for towing than a 1/2 ton. We also know a 1 ton is better. Then again, so is a class 8 tractor. Just because something is BETTER than a half ton does not mean that the half ton isn't adequate for the job. For people that can't afford to go drop $40K on a new heavy duty truck, can't afford to register it, can't afford to insure it, don't want to deal with the heavier weight when not towing, or any other plethora of reasons than there is nothing wrong with a properly set up half ton towing within its perimeters.
My half ton Tundra has performed flawlessly for me over the 4 years I have been towing my 6500 lbs camper. Up and down the Appalachain mountain chain, up and down the eastern seaboard it has been fantastic. No sway, no "white knuckle" experiences. Plenty of power and safe braking every time. Thankfully I drive in a manner that reduces the likelihood that I will need to make an "emergency stop". I am also young enough that my reaction time is likely much less than some of the older guys driving 1 tons...
My Tundra is a vehicle of compromise. I am 33 years old and have a young family. If I am lucky I get one or 2 extended (over 1000 miles round trip) trips a year and hopefully 5-7 shorter trips per year. For my miles towed and the weight of my trailer I do not want, nor do I need a heavier truck.
All the bluster and bravado on is ridiculous at best. My 5 year old Tundra with a GCVWR of 12,000 lbs will stop better in this "emergency situation" than the guy with the 10+ year old 1 ton truck with a GCVWR of 24,000 lbs. That is simple physics...