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Xflyhighx's avatar
Jun 25, 2016

JT strongarms

I have a 338rets 40 ft Jayco bumper pull TT. Just installed JT strongarms. Is it nessarary to install the 2 rear arms. I'm wondering if the hassle of welding angle iron to accommodate the brackets because of the pull out rack. Thanks
  • I have Steadyfast and my 35' 5th wheel has a pretty big distance from the back tire to the bumper (bunk house is back there). I can feel when the kids move around and I have one steadyfast back there. I've thought a second would help.

    So, my guess is that you would notice the difference.
  • I think the rear struts would give you additional noticible stability by anchoring the rear of the frame to the foot pads.

    I did not want to weld to the frame. I cut a piece of 2"x2" square tube the width of the frame. I cut each end at 45 degrees and drilled two 9/16" holes in each end. Then mounted that tube to the frame using 1/2" self tapping bolts. Attached the JT mount go the center of the tube. Provides a very strong mount.

  • I think you could find with a TT that long, Strongarm's may help more at the rear than at the front. Try pushing sideways at the rear and see how much it moves. I installed Bal Lockarm braces at the rear because there was more movement there (and we only have a 29' TT). I don't think I'd see much improvement to adding them at the front of ours.

    Maybe you could run a piece of 2x2 tubing between the I-beams ahead of the stab. jacks to mount to. Stairs, gas piping, etc. could conflict tho. The upper mounting point doesn't need to be adjacent to the stab. jack. I mounted our Lockarms to the underside of the bumper and it reduces side-side movement and also fore/aft movement very well.

  • X2 on installing at the rear; every little bit helps. If you have trouble give them a call. They helped me with the rear installation.
  • Do this.
    Next time you have the TT setup go over to a rear corner and push sideways on it. You'll be able to make the TT wiggle. If you look at the TT tires you can see them flexing as the TT moves back n forth. What you have is a pivot point at the tires. The tongue jack won't do much for lateral movement.
    JTs on the front will only help partially. BTDT.
    You can experiment with a long piece of wood or metal. Clamp it to the frame and an opposing stab jack. You won't be able to move the TT laterally after doing that.