Kayteg1 wrote:
Reddog1 wrote:
Kayteg1, it appears you did not look at the links I provided..
I did. It clearly says
1-The primary focus of this section is ASME propane tanks that are filled on site at a residential or commercial installation.
2. DOT cylinders or other bottles >> The most common type of LP Gas container is the propane cylinder, commonly known as a bottle.
This is technical forum, we should not stir the pot by introducing common slang here.
Frankly the only time I heard somebody saying "bottle" - he was referring to those small disposable cylinders, never to RV containers.
I tried to ignore this, and probably should have. I gotta say, where did this come from.
The first link I provided has photo of Propane Tanks of various sizes. Did you see any mention of "cylinder"?
The second link I provided refers to about sixteen "propane tanks" for sale. Did you see any mention of "cylinder"?
The third link I provided referred to Portable tanks, known as bottles or cylinders. Are you referring to this link in your comment?
I think it is worth noting, not only is this a Truck Camper Forum it is not a technical forum. Personally, I do knot feel qualified to say what is or is not slang on this subject. I can offer my understanding and what I have read and supporting links. I will not make statements like "It is not a bottle, but cylinder.
Tanks are those big things that are bolted to RV frame and have the big fill up valves that can load 30 gallons in just couple of minutes. "
I really doubt there is anything more I can offer on the subject other than to keep an open mind and hesitate before making an absolute statement. Not only can absolute statements cost people lots of money, they can impact their health and safety.