FreeLanceing wrote:
Bk I did see your post, but I am trying to gather a concensis. You are one LEO from Co. I am not going to Co. I dont believe the law is universal. I think each state and province has there own rules like triple towing is legal some places and not others. Per your list, it is visible from 200 ft but it would take bino's to read it from that far away. Clearly its there. It is on the furthest most point of the vehical designed to hold a plate. The vehical is THE TRUCK the camper is cargo. It is 12" off the ground. Its parallel with the rear axel. From your definition the plate should stay on the truck. I think the plate holder on the camper is there for states that require the camper to be registered and have its own plate. Its much easier to steal off the camper. For me its case closed. The plate needs to remain on the vehical its registered to, unless you live in a state that requires campers to have a seperate plate. I will contintue to roll that way untill someone with a badge and a gun stops me and tells me otherwise.
That is exactly what I have been saying, one can do exactly what they wish to do. It works.
Actually, all states must have their traffic code modeled after the federal code; Department of Transportation Uniform Traffic Code 1959. Like the UBC (Uniform Building Code), the DOT-TC is updated frequently. This is why people can drive from one state to another and have expectations that the statutes will reflect the same. Your interpretation of the License Plate on the Truck Camper is not what would be enforced by a LEO, but hey, it works for me. The rule is that a registration plate must be installed at the further most portion of a vehicle.
I really liked Skipro3's explanation. While it would still get a stop from me, he definitely would have gotten a pass from me too.
Safe Travels.