Francesca Knowles wrote:
silversand wrote:
....OK, here are a list of marker light descriptors required on all vehicles driven in the US at 80+ inches wide:
The O.P's "vehicle" is the truck under the camper. A camper itself is not a vehicle.
Your statement is true, and here in CA its cargo, but once loaded it is considered part of the truck (which its now over 80") and must meet code. No one is twisting any arms here, and if you interpret differently thats your choice. While I disagree that a camper loaded on a truck doesn't need to meet the lighting requirements of the NHTSA/TC (USA/Canada) its an unimportant note.
On top of the federal standards you have state codes also. Oddly Washington has one of the easier to read codes
RCW 46.37.090 Additional equipment required on certain vehicles.
(1) Buses, trucks, motor homes, and motor vehicles with mounted campers eighty inches or more in over-all width:
and goes on to specify lights.
but as far as the OPs question my response is yes they can be removed if under 80" wide-yours would be they dont need to be on there in the 1st place.
Alternately if rear ID lights are felt needed the codes reads "as high as practicable" so they could be lowered and still meet code (if interpretation is applicable).
§ 571.108 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–13 Edition) Table 1-a
large pdf file DOT 571.108
or the simplified chart
these spell out lighting requirements they dont spell out what is defined as a vehicle (truck camper)