Forum Discussion

kjoh75's avatar
May 17, 2013

Portable Satelite Dish, Is renting a option

Hello all,
I have been trying to find information on renting a portable satelite dish. Occasionally I have been camping in areas with little to no cell phone coverage and of course no TV reception. Would like to know if it is possible to rent a Satelite dish like a portable automatic Winngaard to see if I like it before buying. I would have a power source of course to run it. I have Direct TV at home so I would use one of my own converter boxes in the camper.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I almost think you are not doing the OTA HDTV scan right.

    Turn on your antenna panel push button which applies 12VDC power to the BATWING antenna pre-amp. Then point the antenna to a known town that is broadcasting high def TV signals.

    Then go to the HDTV menu and select ANTENNA from the menu on your HDTV. Then you have to scan in the digital TV station before you can see them.

    What I do is start scanning for digital TV signals and if I dont see any digital TV signals start be counted on the menu screen in the first 15% of the scan I will stop the scan and move the antenna slightly one direction or the other and re-start then scan.

    The DIGITAL TV SIGNALs has to be logged-in these to the HDTV before you can view them. Not like the old days where just moved the antenna to get a snowy signal and then move around to get it better.

    In the digital TV world you either get a perfect full screen high def signal or nothing at all...

    Try this at home and experiment on how to tune them in. You will be amazed what kind of high def picture you will get from the Natl Broadcast Network (CBS-NBC-FOX-ABC-PBS)...

    There is a HDTV signal finder you can have inline with the RG cable that will MAX UP on the digital TV signals. This is the SURELOCK Digital TV SIGNAL FINDER... The new HDTV signal all operate on UHF frequencies and you have to be pretty zero'ed in on them before picking them up in your TV digital scan. Using the SURELOCK finder you just move the antenna back and forth until you find the signal - keep reducing the gain until you MAX the idiots lights and that will be the direction of the HDTV transmitter. Then you can ru the DIGITAL SCAN from your HDTV scan menu.

    NOTE: I forgot to add you have to have a digital ready HDTV to pick up the digita TV signals... We use the 22-inch VIZIO HDTV's in our campers.

    Roy Ken
  • You can PURCHASE a used one for about $10.00. Contact a local installer and see if he doesn't have some for sale. Probably won't get an HD model but who needs HD when camping? I made my own dish STAND also, out of PVC pipe and it cost less than $10.00 also.
    Good luck / Skip
  • Yea take your direct box from home. Unless it is one of the really new SWM only ones it should work just fine on a round or oval dish.
  • Just checking back in again. Thanks for your comments. The reason I had made this inquiry is because there are times when you do not have access to cell coverage. No WiFi, No Net flix, no cable hook ups. We do bring plenty of DVD's and vidio cassettes. I try rotating my TV antenna (with wingman option already attached)to bring in some kind of a signal (no luck even when turning on my boost). I would just like to watch a live sporting event without having to drive to a bar somewhere. Correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't my DirectTV converter box (from home)work anywhere I go if hooked to a satelite dish. :)
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    same here - when the natl broadcast digital TV came out a few years back we stopped bringing out our DIRECTV portable dish setup. The NATL BROARDCAST gives us 6-36 digital full blown HDTV signals just about anywhere we go here on the East side of the US where there are bunches of towns I guess...

    We use our OTA BATWING antennna and point to the local towns where they are broadcasting from and it comes in great. Full blown HDTV with full screen service - all free to the public....

    Even when we go to the camp grounds that has electric hookup and cable TV we always tune in the local stations using the OTA BATWING just to get the benefits of the FREE FULL HDTV signals for the local broadcast stations.

    If there is some CABLE TV thing we want to watch when camping off the power grid we use the internet downstreaming and that works great to.

    Roy Ken
  • ASk around and you probably can find one. When I had our new home set up with Direct I happened to mention to the tech that I needed one for my MH so I could take my receiver bow on trips. He had one in his truck that he had taken off somewhere and he just gave it to me. Bought a tripod from Radio Shack. Works well for us.
  • I'm assuming you mean the entire service not just the satellite antenna.

    I'm sure some company probably offers temporary satellite services but I bet it is very expensive when compared to the month to month services.

    Your best bet is to look at the reviews and postings on RV forums for the different satellite services to see which are rated high. Then look at the packages the companies offer and choose one to fit your needs. The monthly cost is around $100 for a full package and down past $50 for basics. This will give you TV services not cell services.

    For cell services you need to look into amplifiers and external antennas which may draw in or improve weak signals in an area.

    Keep in mind a lot of what you watch on TV and how you communicate is now happening over the internet so it may be better to look for some sort of internet solution.

    We have been using our iPads and iPhone plus Netflix, Vudu and Hulu type services for our entertainment instead of satellite's getting to the point where WiFi and 4G will eliminate the need for satellite services.
  • You can buy a complete package for around 175 dollars.
    If you are only interested in SD on one TV I have one of the Winegard carruout MP-1 antennas I'll sell you cheap. Bought it and never used it
  • Not really sure about whether you can rent or even try the systems before you buy, but how about just bringing some DVD and maybe some board games or cards with you.

    I like TV as much as the next guy, but when I'm camping....especially out in the areas where there is no TV signal, I'm figuring to enjoy that remoteness, rather than just sit back and watch TV....heck, I can do that at home:)

    Do you have DirecTV or DISH Network at home? If you do, you can always buy an extra antenna(dish) and just bring the controller from your house with you.
    You can find used (but still good) dishes fairly cheap on Craigslist or E-bay.

    Good luck:)