Forum Discussion

tobydog927's avatar
Dec 28, 2015

Power issues, breaker trips always now?

Hi all.

So I've been living full time in a 1999 Coachmen Catalina since about mid-October. I've never had a TT before so it's all been an experience and learning experience so far.

Anyways, I haven't had the money to pay an electrician $750+ to hook up a proper 30amp spot for me where I'm parked, so I've been running off an extension cord. The trailer is 50amp, so it's got an adapter to 30, which I bought a little adapter at Walmart to make the 30 to 15 to use the extension cord. It worked GREAT until about just over a week ago. I barely ever tripped the breaker. With just me in here it was very easy to not use things at the same time.

But now, I can be laying in bed with only my electric blanket and a small space heater going, and randomly it will all just switch off. Earlier I was microwaving my food, 4 minutes in and then it switched off. Nothing else had been turned on or started.

I don't know why this is happening. It's unpredictable and it's very cold here so having to run all the way to the breaker box at night is not fun.

A few things to mention:
- other people live on the property in the main house, last weekend, one of them replaced an outside outlet at the front of the property (I am all the way at the back, it was like complete opposite side and corner from where I am), anyways, when he out the new outlet box on it didn't work, I don't know what he did to get it to work in the end, he called an electrician friend and got it to work. But basically since then my trailer trips it's breaker all the **** time. Multiple times a day.

- My fridge is running off electric, everything is as I don't know how to replace the gas & tanks. But I noticed recently that the CHECK light is also on next to AUTO on top of the fridge. I don't know how long it has been on. I noticed today that things are being dropped on inside my fridge. Looks like some ice or something is melting inside the fridge. I also can't even tell if it's actually cold in there, because inside the trailer itself is cold. I could just leave my food out on the counter and it'd stay cold enough!

- It's cold. I don't know if that's making things act up. I'm still trying to finish covering the rest of my water hose.

- Came home a few weeks ago to see plastic scattered all over the yard. The wind was so bad that my AC on top had broken and pieces flew everywhere. It looks to be just the outside plastic casing of it, not the actual AC.

I'm a total newbie to this, with no one around knowledged on TT's to help.

Anything is appreciated.
