Forum Discussion

Uually's avatar
Sep 05, 2014

R V water pump

When we use our water pump we get a lot of air in the line, it spits & sputters. Have ckecked for leaks & found none. Makes it diffucult to shower or fill the sink. The holding tank is full. Any idea whats going on, need a new water pump, or what ?
  • I think you need to be a bit more "specific" with your problem. Are you saying that you get "continuous spitting" when you leave the tap open "forever" (ie. a long time) in that, you never get a continuous steady flow. OR are you a saying that any time you open a tap, you get splitting but eventually get a continuous flow.

    IF you never get "steady flow", like cause is a blocked intake or pump problem. IF you always get "spitting" during the initial open, then like a pump problem possibly related to a failure of the oneway valve / seal at the pump.

    IS your pump always switched on? IF so, does it run when no one is using any water? If its isn't always switched on, when you do switch it on, does it initially run?
  • Could be a bad install.
    On our TT the pump was mounted 14 feet horizontally from the tank. This caused all kind of priming problems and I often had air in the lines. It took lots of running to get it out and then after sitting the air would come back. Think about holding liquid in a straw while you have your finger on the top. Turn the straw horizontal and the liquid starts drizzling out even though your finger is still on the top.
    The pump manufacturers say to have no more than 10 feet between the pump and tank but I can tell you it works better the closer you get.
    I ended up moving my pump right over the tank and it works fantastic now.
  • Uually wrote:
    I think tank is vented & I put a cork in the suction line for winterizing. Pump runs smooth. I'm puzzeled

    Crack in filter/strainer prior to the pump?

    Crack in pump housing?

    Crack in line between tank and pump?
  • Uually wrote:
    I think tank is vented
    Ok, because if it's not, it will do what you describe. But it wouldn't do it right away, it may pump fine then start sputtering.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Tank vented properly? Does the pump run smoothly, or off and on?
    I think tank is vented & I put a cork in the suction line for winterizing. Pump runs smooth. I'm puzzeled
  • Tank vented properly? Does the pump run smoothly, or off and on?
  • Sucking air between the tank and pump. If you have a winterizing tube be sure it is tightly closed.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Hot water tank full?
    Yes the hot water tank is full , trailer is 4 years old .
  • Sucking air i on suction side of pump

    Could be loose/cracked fitting at pump or pump casing
    Could be loose hose clamp on suction line
    Could be cracked suction filter/strainer Or not screwed on tight
    Could be sucking air thru winterizing valve/line (if you have kit installed)

    Somewhere on suction side of pump is allowing air to be drawn in when ump is running.