msiminoff wrote:
I have been running 19.5's for a long time and I have yet to come across any automotive tire shop that really understands these truck wheels and tires. In order to be round and run smooth these tires need to be match-mounted and load-force balanced. I suggest that you find a competent shop with a Hunter 9700 balancer... and staff that knows how to use it. I originally bought mine from America's Tire and after installation my truck shook so bad that it was all but undrivable! After re-mounting and balancing at a local performance shop the ride was (harsh, but) smooth as silk.
It sounds like you're already aware of your Ram truck's front end weaknesses. The (much) heavier wheels & tires are only going to accelerate wear and reveal any front end issues that may be there already. If you haven't already addressed these things, this is a good time to replace your ball joints with a heavy duty set (Carli or DynaTrac), install a heavy duty track bar, add a DSS steering stabilizer, and do the 2008 steering linkage upgrade.
Thanks for the heads-up on confirming a dealer has the equipment to do the job right Mark.
I am aware of the front end issues. Dodge has taken away the ability to maintain the 4×4 by moving to the planned obsolescence of the unitized bearing front end. For some reason, I've not had any issues with mine and I've driven over 60,000 miles with my 'too-fat' camper on it. Also with a 2" spacer lift kit. And oversized tires. And wrong offset Hummer H2 wheels. I've got 20,000 miles on my current set of Nitto tires and they are perfectly wearing; no cupping or other signs of front end problems. It tracks true as a rail, I can let go of the steering wheel for a pretty substantial duration and she stays going straight.
I've been thinking of doing the ball joints while also installing manual hubs at the same time. (I hate that all those parts are moving on a 4x4 front axle that flat do not need to.)
The only explanation I can come up with as to why my front end is holding together so well is that I ordered my truck specifically to be built in the Mexico plant. I mainly did that because in the USA, paint finishes are compromised due to the air quality laws. My truck, a 2006, has never been parked indoors. The paint is as good today as it was the day I picked it up from the dealer. That's 9 years of baking in the hot California sun as well as exposure to the Pacific Ocean's salt and much more road salt. I do wash and wax it twice a year, but nothing else. Perhaps in Mexico they had slightly different sources for the front end components. I don't know.
I'll start a different thread about converting 4x4 front axles to manual hubs when I do mine. I'm seriously looking at this kit as it not only allows me to lock/unlock the front hubs, but service the front wheel bearings; 'heavy duty trac bar' are you referring to? My Dodge truck doesn't have trac bars. There is a sway bar, but I do not know of anyone who makes an aftermarket heavy duty one for the 2006 Dodge 4x4 truck.
The DSS steering stabilizer and the '08 steering linkage upgrade address death wobble and steer wandering. Neither of which I've had even the slightest issues with. This is the first truck I've ever had that doesn't have front end issues. Certainly no 4x4 I've ever had tracks as true, wears front tires as evenly as the rears, or give me even a moment's cause for concern. Of course, now all that is jinked because of you bringing it up here! Ha!
The only thing, other than the 2" lift, H2 wheels, Monomax shocks and oversized tires is that I have replaced the sway bar bushing ends occasionally. They seem to deteriorate; crack and split, requiring replacement every 2 years or so. I also had Les Schwab do a front end alignment after the lift. That was 40,000+ miles ago and still holding strong. I also have my tires rotated; front to rear/same side, every 7,000 miles or so. They are rebalanced at the same time. America's Tire Store does that for free since that is where I bought the Nitto tires. They tell me to not wait so long; come in at 5,000 miles, not 7K, but I procrastinate....