I would have run the water heater to keep it above about 50F. This means getting it to about 75F and letting it cool off overnight. In the morning, it will be about the ambient temp again, it has a 2" diameter hole in the top and bottom, so air will draft through it, and cool the water temp to the outside air temp. You just want to make sure it did not freeze solid. The problem being frozen water expands as it freezes, and there is not any space for it to expand in the water heater tank.
So as you read this, I would suggest turning on the water heater to thaw it out.
Yes the underbelly should stay above 30F overnight. However running the furnace for about 10 minutes can make sure it is warmer. It can not hurt, other than to burn a $1 worth of propane every hour that the furnace is running.
I have camped in 19F weather, with little winds. High winds can push the cold air into the compartments, that will take away a lot more heat than the still winds. I wanted the inside to stay around 70, so I ran my catalytic heater, and sometimes ran the furnace too. I had no worries about my basement freezing, as I was keeping it warm with the furnace. The water heater was run each night for about a 1/2 hour, and in the morning when I first woke up. Even if it had some freezing water near the heat exchanger, it did not do any damage, but my guess is it stayed above 35 all the time.