Forum Discussion

NelloSr's avatar
Sep 30, 2013

Slide Topper Support Failure

I was extending my slides the other day and had a support for the slide topper rip out of the slide. All 5 screws are still in the topper plate, the topper seems to be rolling ok, I was able to bring it in while standing on a ladder and having the wife activate the switch. Anybody had this happen before? Can I just screw the plate back in the slide? I have a 2010 Keystone Hornet 30RKDS, and it is the front mount on the front slide out. Kinda new at this and do not want to do more harm.Thanks
  • Our slide topper did the same thing....bent the roller too! :( Turns out a bird nest was the cause! Fixed...but always checked for bird nests before operation.

  • Just a follow up,,repairs made today,,once again thanks everyone!!
  • Thanks everyone! looks like bigger lag screws in my future!
  • I didn't trust those screws either so I bought longer stainless steel screws with fender washers and nylock nuts and bolted the bracket through the side of the RV. The resulting nuts and washers are hidden in a cabinet on each side. I was only able to use two of these sets of bolts on each side but the bracket is very secure now.
  • I had the same problem with my slide topper. I used larger lag bolts and filled the holes with epoxy for good measure.
  • I doubt very much the old screws would hold after being ripped out. I suggest replacing with one size larger diameter screws. You will probably have to drill larger holes in the mounting plate for clearance of the larger screws.