Forum Discussion

dadmomh's avatar
Nov 19, 2014

Snow load

Catching up on TWC and the snow belt mess this afternoon and they gave some interesting info re snow load. There is usually at least one post re "should I or not" every year, so here it is early....unless you're in Upstate NY and you already know. Take a 1 square foot area and put 3" of snow on it and it weighs approx. 60#. Figure the square footage of your home/garage/TT and it's a bunch of weight. So definitely the answer is yes, if you can do it safely....and often if necessary. If you're already under that 5' that's there now, suggest you skip the cleaning and just call insurance. Best of luck to all in that mess...."fond" memories of winter east of Cleveland.
  • naturist wrote:
    3oaks wrote:
    I think you 60# per 12"x12"x3" is way too high.

    60# for a 1x1x3 foot "slab" of snow is about right, actually.

    I think the OP meant 3 feet deep, but put 3 inches by mistake.

  • And remember .. whatever the weight really is, it's spread out over that square foot. I've had my 225 lb self up on my roof, walking about, and that's all 225 lb concentrated in the area of my foot!
    Normal snows shouldn't hurt your trailer. 5' ... if it's 5' on the level, then yes .. clean it off.
  • 3oaks wrote:
    I think you 60# per 12"x12"x3" is way too high.

    60# for a 1x1x3 foot "slab" of snow is about right, actually.
  • 7.48 gallons of water in 1 cubic foot. 8.34 ponds per gallon. That equals 62.38 pounds for one cubic foot of water. Now keep in mind that snow is not solid water so it will be lighter. A quick look on Google says that a cubic foot of snow will weigh about 20lbs...
  • heard on the news this morning that Buffalo NY has 5 ft of snow and more on the way.