Forum Discussion

NCMODELA's avatar
Jul 31, 2019

Soft spot at door 2017 keystone

Hi all. I have a 2017 keystone bullet 32bhhs. We have 10 to 12 kids in it normally at least 7 teenagers. Used at least 40 to 50 nights so far. It was used for 6 months before I bought it. 6 months after I bought it I noticed the floor at the bathroom door was a little soft to the touch. Kinda felt a little bit like broken plywood underneath. Took back to dealer and they said it was normal. Now a year and a half later it is really soft inin one spot right at the door molding and everything around it is semi soft. My outdoor kitchen one time did spring a leak with a broken hose. Put about an half of inch of water back there and I cleaned it all up. Water wasn’t there long enough to even cause the mdf case to deform.

I do need to fix this. The two issues are a floor Roy due to one time water exposure of 8 teenagers constantly trouncing around on through the bathroom which was thier entrance to the bunk room.

I can put a brace underneath that attaches to the steps that will shore it up. Do I even worry about the possibility of it being a mild water issue and tearing up the floor?
  • I think the Bullet models use the foam core flooring which can, to some people feel soft, even when new. I would suggest you contact Keystone first to verify the flooring system for your trailer, some do have separate warranties from the general trailer warranty, and then if you are still concerned, contact a local rv tech, hopefully you can get some local references to use as a guide, and ask them to check/verify the floor.