run100 wrote:
Love the idea of mailing trash back to the folks that generated it! I'd get a kick out of dropping the trash on their doorstep myself!
Those that litter really irritate me, even from a young age. As a teenager (many decades ago), me and my friends would go party in the desert. If a friend decided to chuck trash out the window while I was driving, I'd slam on the brakes and make him or her go pick it up. If they put up any resistance, they would find themselves having a long walk home. Not one bottle or can was ever left behind!
A group I belong to adopted a stretch of freeway and performs clean-up events a couple times a year. The amount of trash picked-up is always shocking.
Problem is, nobody feels like they should be held accountable for their actions these days. Quite sad!
“Someone I know” may have found a bunch of trashed dumped by the road near a friend’s house that happened to include a couple of different things with an address on it. That someone may have returned it, while creating a nice front yard display at that address.
My family also participates in a 3 mile section of rural adopt-a-road and pick up several full trash bags 2x a year. It’s about fast food consumption completion distance away from town as evidenced by the gifts left in the ditches. It’s so obviously not an accident when the quantity increases along the sections of the road away from any houses.