Gdetrailer wrote:
Huntindog wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
The "LT" crowd should be along shortly to get the thread closed..
Paint me with the "LT crowd" brush.
It is kind of funny though, as for such a strong LT believer, I have owned many more sets of ST tires than LT tires. I once was a strong believer in what I now recognize was marketing hype, designed to get my money. Failure after failure, I accepted that there was something that I was doing wrong to my ST tires to cause them to fail at such a horrendous rate. So I upgraded sizes and weight ratings numerous times, until I just ran out of options to go higher. In 2006 my last ST tire failed. On I-17 going north from phoenix in July. It was about 115 degrees out... So hot that I had to remove the floor mats from the TV to lay on the asphalt to keep from getting burned.
I will never forget how unerving it was with the semis blowing past rocking the TT as I worked on it. My wife walked behind a ways to try to get people to be more courteous by waving them over a lane.
After the ordeal was over, she asked me why after all the money we had spent, that we were still having problems. And what we could do better.. Flat out said, what is the best? Whatever it takes, just do it. I told her about some reading I have been doing about Michelin XPS RIBS in the 16" LT tire... And that it would be a real expensive change as our TT had 5 lug rims, and would need 6 lug rims... Long story short. we did it and have never had a failure since. And we do not "baby" these tires one bit. In fact we do things with them that would have given me nightmares with ST tires.
I now read here and there about some supposedly better ST tires being made..
The Carlise with the new cap.... Well they already made all the money they ever will off of me.
This Hercules in this thread.. Never heard of them.
Maxxis has a good reputation here on the forum, but if one looks, there have been quite a few failures reported.. And I have no desire to own a tire that has to be ordered.. When I need a tire, I will likely need it NOW to go home on.
So no, I am not here trying to get the ST tire fans thread closed... Maybe some of these new tires will pan out.. It would be nice if it works out that way.. But I will not be a part of the experiment. Been there, done that, and bought too many T shirts.
AND there we "have it".. The race is on! :S
Yes it is. And it is amazing that no amount of Facts, Science, explaining the technology...nothing, even posting technical papers from the tire manufacturers does any good with the "LT crowd" as you call them. They insist that heir anecdotal evidence is stronger than the reality. I prefer to refer to them as the "Flat Earthers"
And their usual argument never holds water. That "ST tires are just a way to get their money". Well if there weren't ST tires they would still be buying SOME KIND of tire from the same manufacturers who build all kinds of tires. So I guess all of the Millions in R&D, Millions spent on Capital equipment to MFG the ST and more to market them is all just...on a WHIM?
Good Grief!