The topic of tires always produces lots of posts - sometimes contentious.
Personally, I think part of the problem with tires on travel trailers is not enough load carrying capacity - so your idea to go to a Load Range E is the right direction. But a more complete solution would be to going to 16" tires and wheels.
Many people will point to converting to LT tires - but they forget that this type of change doesn't involve a simple exchange. You have to change size and that complicates matters.
But to answer your question about tire brand: Some folks point to Maxxis, however, there are some reports of failures, making this recommendation somewhat questionable.
And lastly, you should emphasize to your friends to weigh their trailer - and if they don't weigh each wheel position, they have to account for side to side and front to rear weight variation. My recommendation is that the tire should not be loaded to more than 85% of its rated load.
Further, they should be reminded that ST tires have a 65 mph speed restriction.
Hope this helps.