Forum Discussion

swimmer_spe's avatar
May 11, 2014

Support for saging awning?

My roll up awning is about 40 years old. It is about 18 feel long and due to age, when it rains, the water mainly collects, unless I drop down one end.

I was thinking of getting something to put midway down the awning to prop it up enough for the water to run off.

Bad idea? Other ideas?
  • In the future, I do plan to have the rear slightly lower. However, I would like to place something under it to lift it up more.

    I now know that my thinking is not wrong. I have a few ideas that I will try. I was just concerned that I would do more damage than good, or that I was setting it up wrong.

    I was thinking of something resting on the supports, but with the ideas I have seen, I am now dreaming up other solutions.
  • I understand the top of the door concern. Mine doesn't have a roller and because of this there is an aluminum colored arc on the bottom side of the awning where the door hits it. I did notice though that it only hits if I tilt the front of the awning. However if I leave the front up high and only tilt the rear down the door never hits.
  • I do not want the top of the door (yes, it does have a roller) to rub the awning.
  • I was surprised how good it was in, and so, I want to see if I can get more life out of it.
  • Another pricey option.

    Never tried them, but they look good.

    I am surprised that your 40 year old fabric is still in one piece. Before we got rid of the old camper, the 20 year old fabric we had was full of little holes in it. Not worth saving really.
  • I was considering getting something to sit on the 2 top rails that would give it a bow in the middle.

    I did not know that it should actually not be level.
  • A friend of mine with the same problem came up with a clever solution- he uses several of those flexible bungee-corded fiberglass tent poles that hold up dome tents. He wedges one end against the RV and the other end against the roller. They're sized so that they "bow" slightly, raising/tightening that part of the awning. Works great!

    You can buy kits to build those poles to whatever size you want- about ten bucks at Walmart....though I'm pretty sure my clever pal found his at some thrift store.

  • If the awning is sagging do to stretch its most likely because of water weight collecting to begin with (not age)…

    You need it tilted to one side sufficiently to avoid all pooling, and to do that with each deployment from new on…

  • Awnings should be set up lower on one end (tilted) so rain runs off.

    Course you could purchase a 'tension rafter & center support'.....LINK

    Kinda pricey....
    I just tilt mine

    Your awning fabric is probably stretched from age and water collection