It's interesting to read some of the statements thus far.
It really goes to show just how many people have never studied their owner's manual nor have they read towing information like the four pages devoted to towing calculations in the annual Trailer Life Towing Guide.
From reading the RV Tow Check instructions and FAQs, it appears that it was built on manufacturers requirements and supports their written owner’s manual statements that reads with the words "never" and "must not" and "cannot".
It’s no wonder why years of RVSEF data reveals that 60% of the trucks exceed some ratings. ("Many of these trucks exceed all of their ratings." Walter Cannon,
RVSEF Video, @14 minutes, 50 seconds)
JIMNLIN is concerned about the lack of GAWR. Apparently, he’s never noticed that under normal load conditions, GVWR will be exceeded before the combined GAWRs.
BenK asked: “Will the producers of these charts, calculators, etc stand behind their products and cover warranty denied issues for folks who use these products?”
As for the charts, all that can easily be verified if one reads the manufacturers published towing specifications. And for the calculator, probably no more than one could try to sue Walmart or the calculator manufacturer because the IRS is on their butt and it was all caused by making a calculator entry error. Here again, the calculator can be verified if one actually took the time to do the math long form. The math functions are explained.
Dr. Wayne Dyer once said “The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about yet refuse to investigate.”