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Reality_Check's avatar
Mar 15, 2021

TR: Redwoods, Humboldt county, and quiet

We had a small break in late June; took advantage and headed south. Really didn’t know how long we’d have, maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a bit more. Headed to the Redwoods, as the wife hadn’t really spent anytime in that area previously. And… we needed to get out of uptight Washington and the draconian rules the state had imposed. Not that any of the west coast governments were any smarter, but at least we were on the road away from the stupidity of the larger metro areas. By June, we realized that this virus was not the threat we all had been told and the numbers were clearly showing that locking down was in fact, not the smartest policy. Argue with me all day long, but I’m the guy that had to write and back the safety programs for our work. Out of town we went.

Headed to Grants Pass, got a haircut, and headed south. Located a small fire road near the California border and got a wonderful nights sleep.

The drive to Jedediah Smith State Park is good, the drive through the park section is phenomenal. Here’s the best part though; it pales in comparison to the drive on Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway (in the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. Hard to explain, but to us it as was less touristy, more majestic, more surreal, more peaceful. But…don’t miss Jedediah, and especially, Smith River and many of the hikes in the area.

We unloaded the bike and toured the area, looking for off the beaten path areas. Did enjoy one quite popular hike. Hard to call it a hike; it was a path that was very ADA accessible, wide open, busy..but it was very much a source of awwww. Stout Memorial Grove I believe it was. South side of the river. Dirt road leading to the parking lot.

Sometimes I’m not the sharpest pencil in the crowd. We had hiked down to this ‘river’, laid out in the sun for a few hours. Beautiful setting, calm weather. Commented a couple of times about the folks floating it in kayaks. What a great idea..sure would like to do that. Skip forward a couple of hours and we’re checking out a boat launch upriver. Common for us, just checking out roads. It dawns on me that this place is set up for kayaking companies…you know, rafting tours and what not. Man!! That’d be fun.

Riding away, I remember there is a reason we haul the kayaks around. Only took me about 6 hours to put 2 and 2 together. Stayed another night, north of the park on a side road. Next morning, dropped the wife and kayaks off at the launch, then drove down to one of several available take out spots. Parked the camper and trailer and high tailed it back. OMG…a kayak trip to not be missed. It is one of the most pristine rivers I’ve ever floated on. It’s pretty mild, Level 1 and 2, with a single drop at the end. We’re calm water kayakers..the drop was fun, several feet, but nothing to worry about.

We stayed in the area a few days, having been in to Crescent City (windy and dumpy..dopers have a strong hold there for sure). Lunch spot;

Headed south, we stopped near the Lady Bird Johnson Grove area. Took the hike in the morning after parking for the night on a little side spur. The road over the hill heads to a reservation I think..was pretty busy with locals all night.

Headed down to our neighbors’ old favorite spot. They grew up in the area and I knew enough to want to stop by. Patrick’s Point State park, and then spent the day on Agate beach. It really is beautiful. No, we’d never camp there. Ugh, can’t stand camp grounds.

On down the road…a much to busy road. 101 is nice, I think everyone is served well to see it, but it wears on me. Obligatory tourist stop…had to get a picture of the nuts.

And down the road a bit to Trinidad. Other than being in Humboldt County, it has nothing in common. Should be called Little ‘Frisco’ or something. Talk about feeling unwelcomed and surrounded by uptight. Pretty to look at (the bay), but see ya… on south.

We were driving through Eureka later on, when my wife looked at me and said “Get me the hell outta here”…except she didn’t use nice words. LOL, outta town, turned left on 36 and never looked back.

Unbelievable scenery, roads that are fun to drive on..heading no where slowly. Hit Mad River, found a camp ground that had…. 1 other camper. Stayed a couple of nights, tooled around in the hills with the bike, relaxed.

Headed north on 3… even quieter road. Fantastic scenery. Found a spot on a forest spur outside of Trinity Center. Camped for three nights, hiked some of the a lot. Easy access and quiet at night. River just below us. Running pretty low at this time of year, but easy to see that it would be a sight in high flow season.

One of the hikes:

Continued north until we cut across towards Weed on the Gazelle Callahan Rd. Secondary road y’all need to travel. Crossed 5 and then headed towards Crater Lake. Wife had never seen it, sooooo..

Stopped outside the park and camped for a couple of nights. Touring on the bike, I saw this little stream that just looked like it needed us. Went over in the early morning..a small county park there with a few camp sites.. and put in a kayak. What a wonderful morning.

From there, into the park. Beautiful it is, stupid is our government an be. On the outside of the park at one of the stops, the restrooms were closed due to ‘Covid’ and cleaning ‘risks’. Standing right next to them were sanicans. Makes sense to one actually has to clean the sanicans???? You’re right, makes no sense. Once in the park, the interpretive center was closed due to capacity regulations because of Covid. But hey, the gift shop was open.. and the restaurant. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. It’s stupid is as stupid does… only on a grander scale.

Lake was beautiful;

I got a call, got a date to return, and we started to head back. Went up through Bend, then went east to the John Day area, farted around for awhile and then headed up through Condon, cut to Wasco and then home via Goldendale. Last camping spot of the trip was just outside of Wasco, in a gravel pit overlooking a whole lot of valley and nothing. Quiet and priced right. Great little trip, and like always, created more spots to spend more time in. No such thing as a checklist that shrinks.

Till next time..

Previous TR from October; Utah

TR: Utah, parks, friends and a few weeks with my wife